[Update your clothing] Our soft hair remover is specially designed for all kinds of fluffy fluff balls and bubbles. A variety of applicable fabrics: flannel, wool, linen, lycra, knitted crochet. Including sweaters, sofas, blankets, sheets, curtains, covers, socks, leggings, cashmere bedding, pendants, decorations. Reproduce your clothes and update the wardrobe.[Efficient and safe] The design of three stainless steel rotating blades can run faster and effortlessly. The thickness of the blade makes the epilator more durable. At the same time, there is a protective cover and a protective net on the outer layer, which can effectively isolate the tip of the quick knife point and take care of your favorite clothing.[Easy to use] Just plug in the power, turn on the switch, and our fabric shaver can work. Place the clothing on a flat surface, lightly fix the mesh cover on the clothing, and then move it back, paying attention to uneven parts to avoid damage. With this electric clothing razor, you can effectively update a variety of clothes in a single eye.[Significant advantage] We use a standard American DC plug, plug and play, saving you a lot of time. Compared with battery models, we can provide continuous power to improve efficiency. On the other hand, the electric pill remover saves money without purchasing a battery and is environmentally friendly.[Comfortable handle and detachable design] The comfortable handle can be rotated 180 degrees to make the fluff remover fit your hands comfortably.Why Me? :-( Are you angry, when your beautiful.
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Bezpečnostné upozornenia: WARNING
Made in china
To avoid danger of suffocation.keep this plastic bag away frombabies and children. Do not usethis bag in cribs, beds, carriages,or playpens
This bag is not a toy.
Ages: 14 years +
STANDARD:6,49 € - Doručenie medzi pi 21 februára 2025–pi 28 februára 2025
Doručenie od Čína.
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